
Wonderful benefits of Kumkumadi Thailam for age-old | Anahata Organic

Kumkumadi oil can do wonders when added to your daily beauty routine. Regularly massaging your skin gently before night can improve its composition. Kumkumadi oil, also known as kumkumadi thailam , is an Ayurvedic facial oil made from natural herbs and oils that works wonders for the skin. It is regarded as one of the most well-known and time-honored ayurvedic beauty secrets. It provides a whole range of skincare benefits, including excellent toning, cleansing, and moisturising of the face. 5 benefits of using kumkumadi thailam oil in your daily skincare routine Gives a natural glow:  This component, which is a rich extract from natural/organic herbs, is very important for improving skin tone. Antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics work together to improve healthy blood circulation and restore skin cells. The main components of this oil are red and gold saffron, which also adds luminosity and a natural shine, making the skin look younger and brighter. Skin tone is evened out...

Need to know Before use Kumkumadi tailam Oil/Serum

How do I use this serum? Anytime during the day is OK to use the  kumkumadi tailam oil ! You can apply it to your face in the morning by mixing it with any light moisturiser. Simply apply it to your face before bed at night. What smell does the serum have? Due to the fact that Kumkumadi is a blend of numerous Indian plants, it has a very calming aroma. It has exactly the right amount of earthy goodness—not too strong, nor too weak. Is this anti-aging medication? The Vedas allude to the Kumkumadi Tailam as a celestial beauty mixture. With the help of this serum, you may age gracefully while maintaining your young shine. What benefits do antioxidants provide for skin? Antioxidants defend the skin from harmful external elements including UV rays and pollution as well as free radicals. They also possess potent anti-aging qualities. Is kumkum oil beneficial for the face? An Ayurvedic oil called Kumkumadi Tailam is used for Mukha Abhyanga (face massage). It helps to reduc...